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Optometry Board Practice Test for the NBEO® Part 1 Mini Diagnostic Test This test is comprised of 10 items. This is PRACTICE mode. There is no countdown timer and answers are shown after each question. |
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Which cells of the pancreas are responsible for production of insulin?
B. Alpha cells within the Islet of Langerhans are responsible for production of glucagon. Beta cells produce insulin and amylin. Delta cells produce somatostatin. F cells produce pancreatic polypeptide.
B. Alpha cells within the Islet of Langerhans are responsible for production of glucagon. Beta cells produce insulin and amylin. Delta cells produce somatostatin. F cells produce pancreatic polypeptide.
Which of the following terms correctly describes loss of the eyelashes?
A. Madarosis describes a loss of eyelashes. Poliosis is the whitening of eyelashes often caused by chronic eye infections. Tylosis is thickening of the lid margin. Trichiasis is an inward turned eyelash. Sudoriferous is a term used to describe a cyst.
A. Madarosis describes a loss of eyelashes. Poliosis is the whitening of eyelashes often caused by chronic eye infections. Tylosis is thickening of the lid margin. Trichiasis is an inward turned eyelash. Sudoriferous is a term used to describe a cyst.
Where is the sclera thickest?
B: The thickest is the posterior pole at about 1mm. The sclera is thinnest at recti muscle insertions with a thickness of about 0.3mm
B: The thickest is the posterior pole at about 1mm. The sclera is thinnest at recti muscle insertions with a thickness of about 0.3mm
Which of the following muscle is responsible allows for lifting the eyelid?
D: Mueller’s is responsible for lifting the eyelid. Plica Semilunaris allows for movement WITHIN the globe. The fornix and caruncle are location and redundant tissue, respectively. The muscle of riolan is responsible for keeping the eyelid adhered to the globe.
D: Mueller’s is responsible for lifting the eyelid. Plica Semilunaris allows for movement WITHIN the globe. The fornix and caruncle are location and redundant tissue, respectively. The muscle of riolan is responsible for keeping the eyelid adhered to the globe.
Which slit lamp technique is best in evaluation of Fuchs disease?
D. Specular reflection is used to assess the corneal endothelial cells (i.e. Fuchs). Indirect illumination is used to assess non-opaque corneal lesions by focusing oculars adjacent to the beam of light (i.e EMBD). Sclerotic scatter is used to evaluate the clarity of the cornea. Optic section is used to determine depth (i.e. Van Herick, corneal scar). Conical beam is used to assess anterior chamber for cells and flare.
D. Specular reflection is used to assess the corneal endothelial cells (i.e. Fuchs). Indirect illumination is used to assess non-opaque corneal lesions by focusing oculars adjacent to the beam of light (i.e EMBD). Sclerotic scatter is used to evaluate the clarity of the cornea. Optic section is used to determine depth (i.e. Van Herick, corneal scar). Conical beam is used to assess anterior chamber for cells and flare.
What is the most common cause of orbital cellulitis in adults?
E. Staph aureus is the most common cause of cellulitis in adults.
H. influenzae is the most common culprit for cellulitis in children.
E. Staph aureus is the most common cause of cellulitis in adults.
H. influenzae is the most common culprit for cellulitis in children.
Which of the following are signs noted in Keratoconus? (PICK 3)
A, D, E. Early signs of Keratoconus include Fleischer’s ring (an IRON ring that develops early and best visualized with cobalt blue filter), scissor reflex on retinoscopy, and INFERIOR steepening of the cornea on topography. Late signs include Vogt’s striae (VERTICAL folds in the cornea), Munson’s sign (cone appearance of the cornea when patient viewed from above), and hydrops (tears in Descemet’s membrane). Von Graefe’s sign is upper eyelid lag during downgaze in Thyroid Eye Disease. Seidel’s sign is aqueous leakage seen in laceration/penetration of the globe.
A, D, E. Early signs of Keratoconus include Fleischer’s ring (an IRON ring that develops early and best visualized with cobalt blue filter), scissor reflex on retinoscopy, and INFERIOR steepening of the cornea on topography. Late signs include Vogt’s striae (VERTICAL folds in the cornea), Munson’s sign (cone appearance of the cornea when patient viewed from above), and hydrops (tears in Descemet’s membrane). Von Graefe’s sign is upper eyelid lag during downgaze in Thyroid Eye Disease. Seidel’s sign is aqueous leakage seen in laceration/penetration of the globe.
What organic molecule composes the stromal deposits in the cornea of a patient diagnosed with Granular dystrophy?
C. Granular Dystrophy presents with snowflake granules composed of hyaline. The fine yellow-white rings of crystals in Schnyder’s are composed of cholesterol. Macular Dystrophy presents with multiple gray-white opacities composed of mucopolysaccharides. Lattice Dystrophy presents with lattice-like branches of amyloid. Calcium is associated with Band K, which affects Bowman’s layer.
C. Granular Dystrophy presents with snowflake granules composed of hyaline. The fine yellow-white rings of crystals in Schnyder’s are composed of cholesterol. Macular Dystrophy presents with multiple gray-white opacities composed of mucopolysaccharides. Lattice Dystrophy presents with lattice-like branches of amyloid. Calcium is associated with Band K, which affects Bowman’s layer.
What is the most common cause of a branch retinal vein occlusion?
D. Thrombi are the main cause of BRVOs. Hollenhorst plaques (an example of an emboli) is the most common cause of BRAO. Other causes include GCA, elevated IOP, and other diseases that affect the retina. Calcific emboli are most associated with CRAO.
D. Thrombi are the main cause of BRVOs. Hollenhorst plaques (an example of an emboli) is the most common cause of BRAO. Other causes include GCA, elevated IOP, and other diseases that affect the retina. Calcific emboli are most associated with CRAO.
A patient presents with the following glasses prescription: +3.00 -2.00 x 180. What is the power in the 090 meridian?
A. The power in the 090 meridian is +1.00. On an optical cross, +3.00DS falls on the 180 meridian. Subtract the astigmatic difference of -2.00 to find the resulting +1.00DS.
A. The power in the 090 meridian is +1.00. On an optical cross, +3.00DS falls on the 180 meridian. Subtract the astigmatic difference of -2.00 to find the resulting +1.00DS.