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The most frequently asked type of question requires you to be able to compare various penicillin antibiotics in terms of potency against certain bugs, allergenicity, drug of choice against certain conditions, etc. For example:
a. Penicillin V vs. penicillin G: the latter is more sensitive to acid degrNBEOion and thus is usually injected rather than taken orally (Certainly no one in dentistry uses Pen G, so I would think they would not use too many of these questions)
b. Which penicillin has the best gram-negative spectrum: ampicillin
c. Which drugs from a list are or are not cross-allergenic with penicillin: most usually asked about ones are: cephalosporins and ampicillin are, erythromycin isn’t
d. Which penicillin is useful against penicillinase-producing bugs such as staphylococcus: dicloxacilline. Which is specific for Pseudomonas infections: an extended spectrum such as carbenicillin
f. Which combination of agents should be used prophylactically for patient with heart valve to prevent bacterial endocarditis: ampicillin and gentamycin (1988- according to latest recommendation of AHA and ADA, although use the latest guidelines that you have heard about)) (here’s a big change obviously, since combinations are no longer used, and neither are doses given before and after treatment – review your latest prophylaxis guidelines)
2. The 2nd largest category expects you to know the mechanism of action of the various antibiotics:
a. Bactericidal agents such as penicillin kill rapidity growing cells by inhibiting cell wall synthesis
b. Bacteriostatic agents such as tetracycline limit population growth, but do not kill bugs by interfering with protein synthesis on bacterial ribosomes
c. Antifungals such as nystatin bind to ergosterol in fungal cell walls to weaken the wall
d. Bacteriostatic agents such as the sulfonamides compete with PABA in folic acid synthesis, thus resulting in folic acid deficiency
3. Many questions are asked regarding side effects or toxicities of penicillins, tetracyclines, clindamycin, etc:
a. What are symptoms seen during allergic reactions to penicillins: dermatitis, stomatitis, bronchoconstriction and cardiovascular collapse
b. What agent produces GI upset and pseudomonas colitis: clindamycin
c. Which agents are most likely or least likely to cause superinfection: most: broad spectrum agents such as tetracyclines; least: narrow spectrum agents such as penicillin G
d. Aplastic anemia is associated with chloramphenicol
e. Liver damage or hepatotoxicity is associated with tetracycline
f. Erythromycin estolate associated with allergic cholestatic hepatitis
4. Questions involving interactions between antibiotics and other drugs:
a. Tetracycline and penicillin (cidal-static interaction)cancel each other out due to opposing mechanisms of action
b. Probenecid alters the rate of renal clearance of penicillin
c. Effectiveness of tetracyclines is reduced by concurrent ingestion of antacids or dairy products
d. Broad spectrum antibiotics enhance the action of coumarin anticoagulants because of the reduction of Vitamin K sources
e. Antibiotics such as ampicillin decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives due to suppression of normal Gl flora involved in the recycling of active steroids from bile conjugates, leading to more rapid excretion of the steroids from the body
f. Macrolides such as erythromycin inhibit the metabolism of drugs such as seldane, digoxin, etc.
5. More and more questions these days are being asked about antivirals and antifungals, so review
a. Acyclovir: an antiviral used for various forms of herpes
b. Fluconazole or ketoconazole: systemic-acting antifungals useful for treating candidiasis
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For treating most oral infections, penicillin V is preferred to penicillin G because penicillin V
(b) memorization: basically the only difference
(b) memorization: basically the only difference
The sole therapeutic advantage of penicillin V over penicillin G is
(c) reworded version of the above
(c) reworded version of the above
Which of the following penicillins is administered ONLY by deep intramuscular injection?
(c) Answer is (c)- (a), (b) and (d) are all used orally. Penicillin G is destroyed by acid in the stomach resulting in variable and irregular absorption. Penicillin V is acid stable and available for oral use. Penicillin G procaine is typically given intramuscularly in repository form, yielding a tissue depot from which the drug is absorbed over hours. In this form, it cannot be given IV or subcutaneously.
(c) Answer is (c)- (a), (b) and (d) are all used orally. Penicillin G is destroyed by acid in the stomach resulting in variable and irregular absorption. Penicillin V is acid stable and available for oral use. Penicillin G procaine is typically given intramuscularly in repository form, yielding a tissue depot from which the drug is absorbed over hours. In this form, it cannot be given IV or subcutaneously.
The principal difference among potassium, procaine and benzathine salts of penicillin G is their
(c) again, just asking you to know something about the various forms of penicillin. Since in most cases you are going to use Pen VK orally, this question is an old one showing its age and probably not likely to appear anymore on board excams
(c) again, just asking you to know something about the various forms of penicillin. Since in most cases you are going to use Pen VK orally, this question is an old one showing its age and probably not likely to appear anymore on board excams
Which of the following antibiotics is cross-allergenic with penicillin and should NOT be administered to the penicillin-sensitive patient?
(a) ampicillin sort of sounds like penicillin so it must be the answer
(a) ampicillin sort of sounds like penicillin so it must be the answer
Which of the following antibiotics may be cross-allergenic with penicillin?
(b) This is a memorization question, with (b) the correct answer. You have to remember that the cephalosporins (like cephalexin) are chemically related to the penicillins. The others are not chemically related and thus cross-allergenicity is unlikely
(b) This is a memorization question, with (b) the correct answer. You have to remember that the cephalosporins (like cephalexin) are chemically related to the penicillins. The others are not chemically related and thus cross-allergenicity is unlikely
Which of the following antibiotics shows an incidence of approximately 8% cross-allergenicity with penicillins?
(b) just slightly reworded version of the above question, but with some different alternatives thrown in. Obviously, if you can recognize whther or not a drug is a penicillin or a cephalosporin , and you remember that these are the classes that show crossallergenicity, then you can handle any rewording of this question.
(b) just slightly reworded version of the above question, but with some different alternatives thrown in. Obviously, if you can recognize whther or not a drug is a penicillin or a cephalosporin , and you remember that these are the classes that show crossallergenicity, then you can handle any rewording of this question.
Which of the following groups of antibiotics is related both structurally and by mode of action to the penicillins?
(c) see above
(c) see above
For the dentist, the most reliable method of detecting a patient’s allergy to penicillin is by
(b) all of the other methods involve unacceptable risk. Once sensitized, even a small amount can cause an allergic response. Remember, it is not a dose-related response that won’t be problematic if you only inject a little bit.
(b) all of the other methods involve unacceptable risk. Once sensitized, even a small amount can cause an allergic response. Remember, it is not a dose-related response that won’t be problematic if you only inject a little bit.
Which of the following antibiotics is the substitute of choice for penicillin in the penicillin-sensitive patient?
(b) boy, if you haven’t heard this a zillion times by now.. None of the alternatives listed would be a problem in terms of crossallergenicity, but the reason (b) is the right answer is that the spectrum of activity of erthromycin is very similar to penicillin. The others offer a much broader spectrum of coverage than we usually require; always use the drug with the narrowest spectrum possible that includes the microbe in question. Standards have now changed such that clindamycin is the drug of choice in this situation. But if they don’t include clindamycin, look for erythromycin, or for that matter Azithromycin
(b) boy, if you haven’t heard this a zillion times by now.. None of the alternatives listed would be a problem in terms of crossallergenicity, but the reason (b) is the right answer is that the spectrum of activity of erthromycin is very similar to penicillin. The others offer a much broader spectrum of coverage than we usually require; always use the drug with the narrowest spectrum possible that includes the microbe in question. Standards have now changed such that clindamycin is the drug of choice in this situation. But if they don’t include clindamycin, look for erythromycin, or for that matter Azithromycin
Most anaphylactic reactions to penicillin occur
a. When the drug is administered orally
b. In patients who have already experienced an allergic reaction to the drug
c. In patients with a negative skin test to penicillin allergy
d. When the drug is administered parenterally
e. Within minutes after drug administration
Which of the following penicillins has a broader gram-negative spectrum than penicillin G?
(b) that’s why it is considered an “extended-spectrum” form of penicillin
(b) that’s why it is considered an “extended-spectrum” form of penicillin
Which of the following penicillins has the best gram-negative spectrum?
Which of the following antibiotics should be considered the drug of choice in the treatment of infection caused by a penicillinaseproducing staphylococcus?
(e) that’s really the only use for dicloxacillin
(e) that’s really the only use for dicloxacillin
Oral infections caused by organisms that produce penicillinase should be treated with
(b) of those listed only (b) is penicillinase resistant. Ampicillin is an extended spectrum penicillin, and is not penicillinase resistant. Erythromycin shouldn’t be affected by penicillinases, since it isn’t a peniciilin, but it doesn’t work against staph for other reasons.
(b) of those listed only (b) is penicillinase resistant. Ampicillin is an extended spectrum penicillin, and is not penicillinase resistant. Erythromycin shouldn’t be affected by penicillinases, since it isn’t a peniciilin, but it doesn’t work against staph for other reasons.
Which of the following antibiotics is LEAST effective against penicillinase-producing microorganisms?
Which of the following is a bactericidal antibiotic used specifically in the treatment of infections caused by Pseudomonas species and indole-positive Proteus species?
(e) Wow, I bet you didn’t think they would ask something like this!. An extended spectrum agent is required. Ampicillin is ineffective, while Pen-V is too narrow in spectrum.
(e) Wow, I bet you didn’t think they would ask something like this!. An extended spectrum agent is required. Ampicillin is ineffective, while Pen-V is too narrow in spectrum.
Penicillin’s effectiveness against rapidly growing cells is primarily due to its effect on
(b) memorize, memorize
(b) memorize, memorize
Chlortetracycline acts by interfering with
(c) that’s why it is selectively toxic. Wouldn’t you like it if your doctor prescribed a drug for you that did (d)?
(c) that’s why it is selectively toxic. Wouldn’t you like it if your doctor prescribed a drug for you that did (d)?
The probable mechanism of the bacteriostatic action of sulfonamides involves
(e) memorize
(e) memorize
The sulfonamides act by
(d) same as above worded differently
(d) same as above worded differently
Which antibiotic is able to achieve a higher concentration in bone than in serum?
(c) that’s why it is very useful for treating bone infections such as osteomyelitis. The question might have substituted gingival fluid for bone – that would make the answer tetracycline
(c) that’s why it is very useful for treating bone infections such as osteomyelitis. The question might have substituted gingival fluid for bone – that would make the answer tetracycline
Tetracycline reduces the effectiveness of concomitantly administered penicillin by
(e) tetracycline is bacteriostatic and would slow the rapid growth of the microbial population that a bactericidal drug such as penicillin needs to be effective, sine only when rapidly dividing are the cells making cell walls
(e) tetracycline is bacteriostatic and would slow the rapid growth of the microbial population that a bactericidal drug such as penicillin needs to be effective, sine only when rapidly dividing are the cells making cell walls
The action of which of the following drugs will most likely be impaired by concurrent administration of tetracycline?
(d) the classic cidal- static interaction! See above, since this is just a reworded version of the same fact
(d) the classic cidal- static interaction! See above, since this is just a reworded version of the same fact
Which of the following antibiotics is most likely to cause liver damage?
(c) (a) streptomycin can damage the eighth nerve, affecting both balance and hearing, but is not associated with liver damage. (b) other than allergic reactions, penicillins are extremely safe, with no effect on the liver. (d) the
cephalosporins are chemically related to the penicillins and share their relatively nontoxic nature. (e) amphotericin B, is an antifungal agent that produces such adverse side effects as nephrotoxicity and hypokalemia, but not liver toxicity. Thus (c) is the correct answer. Tetracyclines have been shown to be hepatotoxic following high doses in pregnant patients with a history of renal disease.
(c) (a) streptomycin can damage the eighth nerve, affecting both balance and hearing, but is not associated with liver damage. (b) other than allergic reactions, penicillins are extremely safe, with no effect on the liver. (d) the
cephalosporins are chemically related to the penicillins and share their relatively nontoxic nature. (e) amphotericin B, is an antifungal agent that produces such adverse side effects as nephrotoxicity and hypokalemia, but not liver toxicity. Thus (c) is the correct answer. Tetracyclines have been shown to be hepatotoxic following high doses in pregnant patients with a history of renal disease.
Which of the following erythromycins associated with an allergic cholestatic hepatitis?
Which of the following antibiotics is LEAST likely to cause superinfection?
(c) superinfections are usually seen following the use of broad spectrum agents. Of those listed, all are wide spectrum except Pen-G
(c) superinfections are usually seen following the use of broad spectrum agents. Of those listed, all are wide spectrum except Pen-G
Gastrointestinal upset and pseudomembranous colitis has been prominently associated with
(c) The only 2 possibilities that produce GI upset are (c) and (e). As for producing colitis, (b) and (c) are associated with this adverse side effect. (c) is the only drug which does both, therefore it’s the right answer.
(c) The only 2 possibilities that produce GI upset are (c) and (e). As for producing colitis, (b) and (c) are associated with this adverse side effect. (c) is the only drug which does both, therefore it’s the right answer.
Symptoms that may be characterized as allergic manifestations during penicillin therapy are
Aplastic anemia is a serious toxic effect that occurs particularly after a course of treatment with which of the following antibiotics?
(e) memorize
(e) memorize
Each of the following is a side effect of prolonged tetracycline hydrochloride therapy EXCEPT:
(c) memorize
(c) memorize
Colitis that results following clindamycin therapy is caused by an overgrowth of
(a) memorize
(a) memorize
Which antibiotic is appropriate for premedication in the penicillin allergic patient?
(b) clindamycin is the current recommendation. Erythromycin used to be, so if you get a question that doesn’t include clindamycin as an answer, look for erythromycin. Cephalexin might be a choice, but there is the issue of cross-allergencicity, and it must certainly be avoided in the anaphylactic patient. Amoxicillin and ampicillin are penicillins!
(b) clindamycin is the current recommendation. Erythromycin used to be, so if you get a question that doesn’t include clindamycin as an answer, look for erythromycin. Cephalexin might be a choice, but there is the issue of cross-allergencicity, and it must certainly be avoided in the anaphylactic patient. Amoxicillin and ampicillin are penicillins!
Acyclovir is useful for treating
(c) always think used for herpes as the first answer
(c) always think used for herpes as the first answer
A distinct advantage that tetracyclines have over penicillins is that tetracyclines
(d) broad spectrum vs. narrow spectrum. Tetracyclines certainly have more side effects than penicillin, and are certainly one of the antibiotics to avoid during pregnancy.
(d) broad spectrum vs. narrow spectrum. Tetracyclines certainly have more side effects than penicillin, and are certainly one of the antibiotics to avoid during pregnancy.
Which of the following has the broadest antimicrobial spectrum?
(d) Answer is (d)- remember, tetracyclines are broad spectrum antibiotics effective against both gram-negative and grampositive cocci and bacilli. Clindamycin has a spectrum of activity similar to erthyromycin and vancomycin, which is less than that of the tetracylines, mainly affecting gram-positive microorganisms. Ist generation cephalosporins are effective against both gram-negative and gram-positive organisms, but the third generation ones have increased activity against gramnegative but greatly decreased activity against gram-positive microorganisms.
(d) Answer is (d)- remember, tetracyclines are broad spectrum antibiotics effective against both gram-negative and grampositive cocci and bacilli. Clindamycin has a spectrum of activity similar to erthyromycin and vancomycin, which is less than that of the tetracylines, mainly affecting gram-positive microorganisms. Ist generation cephalosporins are effective against both gram-negative and gram-positive organisms, but the third generation ones have increased activity against gramnegative but greatly decreased activity against gram-positive microorganisms.
Sulfonamides and trimethoprim are synergistic bacteriostatic agents because in bacteria they
Which of the following substances is the most effective agent against fungus infections of the mucous membrane?
The most desirable property of an antibiotic when used to treat an odontogenic infection is
(c) if it can’t do this it isn’t going to be very effective.
(c) if it can’t do this it isn’t going to be very effective.
Nystatin is of greatest clinical usefulness in treating
(b) Nystatin is the prototypic antifungal agent, thus (b) is the most obvious 1st choice, and eliminates (a). (d) & (e) require an antibiotic, not an antifungal
(b) Nystatin is the prototypic antifungal agent, thus (b) is the most obvious 1st choice, and eliminates (a). (d) & (e) require an antibiotic, not an antifungal
Which of the following drugs chelates with calcium?
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of tetracycline antibiotics?
Answer is (e)- Again, the important phrase in the question is not (Hey, just Wayne and Garth). Obviously the fact that you will remember about tetracylines is that they can discolor teeth in the fetus when taken by the mother during pregnancy. But don’t circle that answer because (a) is also characteristic of tetracyclines (they are the most likely of all the antibiotics to cause superinfection), and is an annoying side effect in adults resulting from alteration of the oral, gastric and intestinal flora. The real answer is (e). Tetracyclines are not the drug of choice for prophylaxis against infective endocarditis. This is due to streptococcal infection. 15-20% of group A streptococci are resistant to tetracyclines, but none are resistant to penicillin or erythromycin. Recently a non-streptococcal induced subacute bacterial endocarditis has been identified, especially in juvenile periodontitis patients. The causative bacterium is not susceptible to penicillin or erythromycin. It may be necessary to treat predisposed patients with tetracycline for a few weeks, and then follow this with a course of penicillin or erythromycin. Remember that these drugs are antagonistic to each other and thus can’t be used concurrently. Penicillin is a bactericidal drug which kills or destroys microorganisms by interfering with the synthesis or function of the cell wall, cell membrane or both. Thus it is most effective against bacteria that are multiplying. Tetracycline is a bacteriostatic antibiotic that acts by inhibiting the growth and multiplication of organisms by inhibiting protein synthesis by binding reversibly to the 30 S subunit of the bacterial ribosome. When the two types are given together, their effectiveness is negated or reduced.
Answer is (e)- Again, the important phrase in the question is not (Hey, just Wayne and Garth). Obviously the fact that you will remember about tetracylines is that they can discolor teeth in the fetus when taken by the mother during pregnancy. But don’t circle that answer because (a) is also characteristic of tetracyclines (they are the most likely of all the antibiotics to cause superinfection), and is an annoying side effect in adults resulting from alteration of the oral, gastric and intestinal flora. The real answer is (e). Tetracyclines are not the drug of choice for prophylaxis against infective endocarditis. This is due to streptococcal infection. 15-20% of group A streptococci are resistant to tetracyclines, but none are resistant to penicillin or erythromycin. Recently a non-streptococcal induced subacute bacterial endocarditis has been identified, especially in juvenile periodontitis patients. The causative bacterium is not susceptible to penicillin or erythromycin. It may be necessary to treat predisposed patients with tetracycline for a few weeks, and then follow this with a course of penicillin or erythromycin. Remember that these drugs are antagonistic to each other and thus can’t be used concurrently. Penicillin is a bactericidal drug which kills or destroys microorganisms by interfering with the synthesis or function of the cell wall, cell membrane or both. Thus it is most effective against bacteria that are multiplying. Tetracycline is a bacteriostatic antibiotic that acts by inhibiting the growth and multiplication of organisms by inhibiting protein synthesis by binding reversibly to the 30 S subunit of the bacterial ribosome. When the two types are given together, their effectiveness is negated or reduced.
The concurrent administration of penicillin G and probenecid results in
Interaction between penicillin and probenicid is best described by which of the following mechanisms?
Answer is (d)- penicillin is metabolized in the liver, but it rapidly disappears from the blood due to rapid clearance by the kidneys. 90% is excreted by tubular secretion. Thus patients with renal disease will show high blood levels of penicillin. Similarly, probenicid, a uricosuric agent (a drug which tends to enhance the excretion of uric acid by reducing renal tubular transport mechanisms), reduces the renal clearance of penicillins. And you wondered why we had those lectures on pharmacokinetics!
Answer is (d)- penicillin is metabolized in the liver, but it rapidly disappears from the blood due to rapid clearance by the kidneys. 90% is excreted by tubular secretion. Thus patients with renal disease will show high blood levels of penicillin. Similarly, probenicid, a uricosuric agent (a drug which tends to enhance the excretion of uric acid by reducing renal tubular transport mechanisms), reduces the renal clearance of penicillins. And you wondered why we had those lectures on pharmacokinetics!
When broad-spectrum antibiotics are administered with coumarin anticoagulants, the anticoagulant action may be
The therapeutic effectiveness of which of the following drugs will be most affected by concomitant ingestion of antacids?
Erythromycin should be avoided in the patient taking
(b) remember the famous erythromycin – Seldane potentially lethal interaction, whereby erythromycin blocks the metabolism of Seldane to its antihistamine metabolite – it stays unmetabolized and causes cardiac arrhythmias. Of course this question could have many other options listed, since erythromycin decreases the metabolism of so many other useful drugs, such as digoxin.
(b) remember the famous erythromycin – Seldane potentially lethal interaction, whereby erythromycin blocks the metabolism of Seldane to its antihistamine metabolite – it stays unmetabolized and causes cardiac arrhythmias. Of course this question could have many other options listed, since erythromycin decreases the metabolism of so many other useful drugs, such as digoxin.