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These are not included part of the package but find out below how you can show us love, help you, in receiving exclusive access to receiving them to help you kick butt on your NBDE Exam. By supporting us and building our community, we can continue adding new content to your account that will help you pass your NBDE. Here’s a couple quick ways on how you can help us receive access to these exclusive resources. Do any of the below and email us at admin@crackthenbde.com so we can add these to your account.

Download your free mobile companion app for your iPhone/iPad or Android and leave us a positive review. Email us when it’s been posted so we can add these study guides to your account.

*This could even be as simple as telling one of your colleagues or classmates and referring them to us (and telling us their name so we can verify)

*Getting your dental class to order “Crack the NBDE” at a discounted rate to help them pass their NBDE Exam

*Writing a good article about “Crack the NBDE” and posting it somewhere on a dental community forum online

*Writing a good review on our wall of our Facebook page

*Put up a short one minute video on YouTube Video on how you are preparing for the NBDE and how “Crack the NBDE” is helping. We can even have you become our ambassador and receive bonuses!

*We’re open to any other ideas or ways you can help out and contribute!

Let us know when any of the above has been done by sending us an email to admin@crackthenbde.com and we can then send you the link so you can access these Exclusive Resources as a token of our appreciation.

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